This is where you will upload your project photos with permalinks one week before the start of the new challenge which post on the first Thursday of every month. Schedule your posts to publish on or just the new challenge starting. Put your name, permalink and photo below. Click publish when you’ve finished editing this post. Permalinks are direct links to your blog post. Create a new post Give your post a title - permalinks are generated from your post titles DON'T change your title of your UNPUBLISHED post once you add your permalink here as changes break the old permalink. VAL https://valscraftings.blogspot.com/2023/06/christmas-in-july-cards.html Crackers Rudolph’s Little Helper CAT https://catcraftycorner.blogspot.com/2023/07/creative-inspiration-challenge-4.html Rudolph’s Little Helper Nan https://mysideofoz.blogspot.com/2023/07/creative-inspiration-challenges-for.html Crackers NAME PERMALINK Name of image used & Link PHOTO